Luna Marketing Blog

How to increase site visitors in 30 days

How to increase site visitors in 30 days

Are you wondering how to drive more frequent traffic to your website? Have you've been struggling with website traffic and content creation? let's look at some of the top points and come up with ideas to attract the right person to start driving traffic. Here are our...

How To Maximize Marketing Campaigns in 2022

How To Maximize Marketing Campaigns in 2022

It might seem a bit early to reflect on the new year, but big trends are already standing out. Hello, Wordle! Uncertainty around the pandemic's ebbing has companies of all sizes staying focused on digital marketing, and they are right to do so. Here are my...

Digital Marketing Takeaways From 2021

Digital Marketing Takeaways From 2021

The year 2022 is hours away, and while many companies are closed, senior teams of all sizes are pondering how to navigate another quarter in a global pandemic. Below are some of our most important takeaways from 2021 that are likely to bring success in the new year....

How retailers can manage supply chain problems this holiday season

How retailers can manage supply chain problems this holiday season

The holidays are quickly approaching, and it is crunch time! There is extra pressure from global supply chain issues affecting the country. With port closures, slow shipping rates, and excessive costs, this is not an easy obstacle to navigate, especially right before...

4 Marketing Mistakes Made by Small Businesses

4 Marketing Mistakes Made by Small Businesses

Marketing is the key to a successful business in any industry. Today top brands spend hours on end, loads of money, and great efforts to develop effective marketing plans. There are important aspects of marketing to consider if you want to see your effort worthwhile. ...

How to Get More Traffic from Instagram: Easy-to-Implement Strategies

How to Get More Traffic from Instagram: Easy-to-Implement Strategies

Are you struggling to find the best ways of driving traffic and adding clickable links for your website in an Instagram post? You’re not alone. The platform doesn't make it easy, but there are still some creative solutions that can help get results! Let's explore...

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